A lot of the reading I do relies on the mood I'm in, but lately I've had too many review books to be picky about the genre I get to read next! While it seems that I'm ALWAYS in the mood for something contemporary, that's not entirely the case. Sometimes my mood changes and I'm in need of an adventure, cheesy paranormal romance, or even a dystopian setting. Some months I clearly read more of one genre than another. I can tell you that March was my paranormal month. So...what happens when I'm not enjoying a book because I'm not in the mood for it?
Because I'm mostly a mood-reader, I tend to switch it up a lot. Unfortunately, this means that sometimes I get tired of reading a book halfway through. There have been times where I've put a book down because I loathed it...but then came back to it when I was in the mood and ended up reading it in one sitting because it was just that good. There are also times where I try and forget about what mood I'm in and race through the story, which I believe occasionally lowers the rating I would have given the book otherwise.
Why do I do this? Sometimes I just don't have the time because I procrastinate. Sometimes I realize that my TBR pile is growing to be larger than the amount of books I'll ever be able to read in this lifetime, and when I finish one book, 5 more have taken its place. I don't have the time to put books down and come back to them later, because later I plan to be reading something else. Sometimes my mood changes in between the time it takes to read a book, and I end up disliking something I enjoyed at the beginning.
Then there are the times where I'm surprised at how much I love a book that I wasn't in the mood to read. When this happens, it makes my day and reminds me how many books there are that will surprise you and turn your mood around completely.
Are you a mood-reader, or are you in the mood for anything at any time? Do you DNF books, or do you eventually come back to them?